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My child takes longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep

Being consistent will increase your chances of success with improving your child’s sleep patterns. It is important to stick to good sleep habits, even on weekends and holidays, otherwise your child’s sleep patterns can get confused.

Free helpful sleep strategies

  • Bedtime Fading

    If your child is taking more than an hour to fall asleep after your chosen bedtime, you may find that trying to put your child to bed at an earlier time results in bedtime struggles. For some children it is best to gradually make their bedtime earlier, starting at the time they are naturally tired and ready for bed.

    Setting a suitable bedtime

    Work out when your child is naturally falling asleep and set this as the temporary bedtime. For example, if you want your child to go to bed at 8:30 pm, but they usually do not fall asleep until 10:00 pm, choose 10:00 pm as the temporary bedtime. Once they are falling asleep easily and quickly at this temporary bedtime then make their bedtime earlier by 15 minutes. When they are falling asleep easily and quickly at this new bedtime then bring it forward by another 15 minutes. Keep on doing this until you have reached the bedtime you want (for example, 8:30 pm).

    Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
        10:00 10:00 9:45 9:45 9:45
    9:30 9:30 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:00
    9:00 8:45 8:45 8:30      

    Get morning light

    Morning light also helps set an earlier bedtime and helps keep the body clock on the right track. Open the curtains in the bedroom, eat breakfast in a sunny area, or spend some time outdoors.

    Be consistent

    Keep trying for a number of nights, and encourage others caring for your child to use the same strategies. Being consistent will increase your chances of success in improving your child’s sleep patterns.

  • Rewards

    Rewards can motivate a child to improve their behaviour. They work best if given soon after the behaviour, not after a few days. After a couple of weeks, they may not work as well, but by then, you hope your child’s behaviour has improved! Reward charts are appropriate for children three years and over.

    Set up the chart

    • Create it: You can choose from lots of different styles of charts, or make one yourself. Older children might like to create their chart, perhaps with a drawing or photo of the reward they’re trying to earn. You can also download free charts from the internet. E.g. try searching for “reward charts to colour in.”
    • Place it: Put the chart where your child can see it. Remember that your older child might prefer a private spot – for example, his bedroom, instead of on the fridge.



    Rewards can motivate a child to improve their behaviour. They work best if given after the behaviour, not after a few days. After a couple of weeks, they may not work either, but by then, you hope your child’s behaviour has improved! Reward charts are appropriate for children three years and over.

    Set up the chart

    • Decide which stickers or tokens to use: star stickers work well for younger children, whereas older kids might like points or other markers.
    • Keep rewards small and cheap, e.g., stickers, stamps. It is not necessary for rewards to be expensive, but rather a small symbol that you are happy with your child’s behaviour.
    • Choose short-term rewards: Most children start by liking the idea of collecting stickers or tokens, but the novelty can wear off quite quickly. When this happens, swapping the stickers or tokens for short-term rewards can help them keep their eyes on the main prize. You could let your child choose from a range of objects, events and activities – for example, getting to choose an activity for special time with mum or dad, e.g. a trip to the park, a family bike ride, going to the swimming pool, or watching a favourite movie (but not just before bed!).
    • Try not to make food the reward
    • You can build on rewards, e.g. 4 stickers = a lucky dip (remember to keep the prizes small and cheap), a park trip, or a DVD choice after dinner.

    Rewarding your child

    • Choose the behaviour you want to encourage: Use clear and positive descriptions, and talk with your child about the behaviour you want to see.
    • Increase your child’s chance of success to begin with: Make sure your child has a chance to get a few rewards over the first few days. For example, at first, you may reward them for staying in their room at the start of the night. Once they can do this, you may reward them only if they remain in their room all night.
    • Give the reward as soon as possible after the excellent behaviour, e.g., first thing in the morning. Some specific praise should remind your child why she’s getting a sticker or token. For example, “I like the way you stayed in your bed the whole night. Here is a star for your chart.”
    • NEVER take away a reward: If your child has earned it, they keep it! If your child doesn’t earn a star, just move on. Focus on encouraging your child to try again.

Or get started with Kips free Ebook

Struggling with kids' bedtime woes or early wake-ups? Kip's Sleep Strategies are here to help! These expert-approved tips and a bit of magic will make bedtime a breeze, ensuring everyone gets the restful sleep they need. Ready to turn those tough nights into dreams come true and joyful mornings? Let's start this journey together!